Moj.MKB offers easy and fast access to correct and complete information for the total financial liabilities and financial pointers for physical entities and citizens
It shows if one physical entity has liabilities regarding credits, warranty, allowed overdraft on transaction account, cards, taxes, telecommunication services, services in the field of energy, communal payments, liabilities regarding other services as well as history survey on delayed payments in the period of the last 24 months. The personal report also contains data regarding the frozen accounts in real time.
Every physical entity can request and obtain a Personal report only for themselves through the MOJ.MKB portal by opening a personal user profile on the following link, or in person at any branch of Central Cooperative Bank AD Skopje, TTK Bank or Silk Road Bank AD Skopje, across the country. The person can request the Personal Report in person just by showing an ID; the same can also be done by another person providing a power of attorney sealed and signed by a notary public.
If the account is frozen, the continuous days of the freeze are listed, containing details of every freeze: number of the freeze subject, name of the bank where the freeze is made, account number, amount of the freeze, reasons for the freeze and date and time when the freeze has been made. The data on the Transaction account blockage report from the Unique Register for Transaction Accounts is obtained in real-time, i.e. at the moment of generating the report.
Any physical entity may request and obtain a Report on Transaction account blockage report in person only. The Report on Transaction account blockage report is obtained online through the MOJ.MKB portal by opening a personal user profile on the following link, or in person at any branch of Central Cooperative Bank AD Skopje, TTK Bank and Silk Road Bank AD Skopje, across the country with an ID of the person requesting the report or a power of attorney certified by a notary public.
The price of the Transaction account blockage report for physical entities is 100,00 Macedonian denars.
1. New Liability (credit, credit cards, allowed transaction account overdraft etc.)
2. Liability Settlement
3. Application of an Endorser and/or Co-credit seeker
4. Application of an Activated Endorser and/or Co-credit seeker
5. Settlement of an Endorser and/or Co-credit seeker
6. Outstanding Liability with a delay of over 30 days
7. Outstanding Liability with a delay of over 90 days
8. Requested report for your liability (when applying for a service)
The changes are stored for the last 5 years of the first payment for the ASNE package. Recorded changes are showed even if ASNE is not activated.
*Under the term Liability are credits, leases, guarantees, accreditation, credit cards. Limits of a transactional account, foreign exchange accounts, taxes, contributions, telecommunications services, purchased receivables, invoices for utility and other services.
The messages are sent to the e-mail address of the user, which is inserted through the process of registration on the web-portal MojMKB.